The World of 7 Billion is an annual video contest designed to get students to think about issues related to population growth. The contest asks middle school and high school students to produce sixty second videos about how population growth impacts one of the following three issues; climate change, ocean health, or rapid urbanization. Students’ videos must also propose a sustainable solution to the issues that they choose to highlight in their videos. Submissions are due by February 23, 2017.
Applications for Education
Creating a video for the World of 7 Billion contest could be a good opportunity for students to incorporate and demonstrate their understanding of topics that they have studied in science and in geography. The 60 second limit on the videos will force students to be concise.
A set of free resources for teaching students about issues related to population growth is available from Population Education, the sponsors of this contest.
If your students have Chromebooks or Windows laptops, I recommend using WeVideo or Adobe Spark to create videos for this contest. In a Mac or iPad environment, I would use iMovie. Click here for my longer list of video creation resources.