Improved Management of Google Drive File Uploads

One of the things that I like about Google Drive is that I can upload and store just about any file in my account. Additionally, I appreciate that I can have Word files automatically converted to Google Docs format. That feature is great when I’m working with someone who insists on using Word because they can send me their files and I can quickly convert them to the format that works for me. Then I download it and send it back. The snag that can occur with this process is when I receive a new version of the original file because until now Google Drive would store both copies.

Yesterday, Google released a new Google Drive feature that will automatically replace the old file with the most recently upload version. The original upload will be moved to revisions and the updated version will be the one that you see in your Google Drive. Of course, if you prefer to have multiple copies, you can still keep both files by simply selecting “keep as separate file” when you upload new versions.

Watch my video embedded below to learn how to enable automatic conversion of Word files that are uploaded to Google Drive.


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