Student Stories – Student-led Portfolios on ClassDojo

Over the last few years ClassDojo has become known as a platform for keeping track of your students’ habits and behaviors. Originally, it appealed to teachers of elementary school students but over time teachers of older students started to use to keep track of things like constructive participation in classroom discussions.

Last summer ClassDojo introduced Class Stories which allowed you to showcase examples of your students’ best work. Those stories appeared in a blog-like format that parents could view. This summer ClassDojo added a new feature called Student Stories. Student Stories is a digital portfolio tool that allows students to submit work to be displayed in your ClassDojo Class Story.

Student Stories works on iPads. As long as you have at least one iPad in your classroom, you can have students submit work to be included. You moderate your students’ submissions before anyone can see them. To submit work students simply scan a class QR code then add their submissions. Watch the video embedded below to see how it works. Click here for PDF of directions on how to use Student Stories.


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