How to Use the Lesson Plan Add-on In Google Docs

Update June 2020: OpenEd was acquired by ACT and is no longer online. This add-on no longer exists. 

Last month OpenEd released a new Google Docs Add-on that makes it easy to search for and organize lesson plan materials from their humongous library of resources. With the Lesson Plan Tool for Google Docs installed you can search for lesson plan materials according to topic, keyword, and or standard. Once you’ve found a resource through the Lesson Plan Tool for Google Docs you can quickly add it to your documents. In the video embedded below I provide an overview of how to install and use Lesson Plan Tool for Google Docs.

Applications for Education
Lesson Plan Tool for Docs could be a handy Add-on to use when you’re developing units of study for your classroom. You could share the document onto which you’re adding resources so that your colleagues can help you create a unit of study.


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