A Convenient Update to Google Drive File Organization

The “make a copy” function in Google Drive is one of the features that I frequently use when teaching multiple sections of a course. Selecting “make a copy” from the “File” menu in Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets allows me to quickly duplicate an item to use in multiple courses. Until this week I always had to go back into My Drive to then place my duplicated files into the folders for each course. This week Google made that process easier. Now when I copy Documents, Sheets, or Slides I can immediately choose the folder into which the copy should should be placed.

Applications for Education
This update to Google Drive isn’t going to change the way you teach or the way the that your students use Google Documents. This update is helpful for those of us who teach multiple sections of the same course and often re-use documents from one section to the next. I’ve already used the new folder choice option three times this week as I prepare materials for a class I’m teaching in the fall.


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