A Good Place to Find OneNote Tutorials

Yesterday morning I woke up to an email from a reader who told me that it was “ridonkulous” that I don’t write about OneNote. (Side note, I need to get back in the habit of not checking email first thing in the morning so that I’m not starting my day with a nasty tone).

The reason that I don’t write about OneNote is that I don’t use it with any degree of regularity. It’s a fine product and many people like it, but I’ve been a Google Apps guy for a long time and people kind of know me for that so I tend to write about Google Apps more than I do other cloud-based productivity services. All that said, I am happy to refer people to my friend Jeff Bradbury’s website where he has many OneNote tutorials because he is regular user of that service. One of Jeff’s videos about OneNote templates is embedded below.


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