Ever since Google removed the reading level option from their advanced search menu I’ve received at least one request per week from readers looking for alternative options. Recently, I have started to suggest trying Choosito.
Choosito is a search engine that offers a reading level index for its search results. When you search on Choosito you can select to refine results to reading levels marked as Early Readers, Emerging Readers, Fluent Readers, or Advanced Readers. In addition to reading level refinement Choosito offers an option to sort results by subject area.
Choosito’s basic search tools including the reading level and subject area filters are available to use for free. Choosito also offers a premium service that lets teachers create collections of resources, manage student accounts, and track students’ search habits.
Applications for Education
Students who feel overwhelmed by unfiltered results on Google or Bing, could benefit from using Choosito to filter search results. Likewise, students who have trouble refining their search terms could benefit from Choosito’s “related searches” suggestions.
Teachers who are looking for reading materials for their students, should appreciate the option to filter results to a reading level appropriate for their students.