Good morning from the Wichita airport where I am waiting for a flight. Yesterday, I had a great day at the Infinitec Conference. As luck of fate would have it, my room was directly across the street from a FedEx terminal. It was while working at FedEx Ground (still known as RPS at the time) that I caught my teaching bug. One of my jobs at FedEx Ground included hiring and training new employees. Conducting those training sessions taught me that I enjoyed teaching and wanted to make a career switch. I’m glad I did.
Here are this week’s most popular posts:
1. A Short Overview of 12 Tools for Creating Flipped Classroom Lessons
2. 5 Great Things You Can Do With Google Sheets
3. 11 Apps and Sites for Learning to Code
4. 5 Things We Can do to Prepare Students to Work Independently
5. YouTube – It’s Not Just Cats & Khan Academy
6. A Couple of Ways to Add Reminders to Google Calendar
7. What’s an Algorithm? What Does an Algorithm Do?