Explore Machu Picchu in Google Maps and the Google Cultural Institute

Last month Google published Street View imagery of Petra. This week they added Street View imagery for another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Students can now explore Machu Picchu in Google Maps Street View and view Machu Picchu artifacts in the Google Cultural Institute. Highlights of the new imagery can be seen in the video embedded below.

Applications for Education

Machu Picchu artifacts found in the Google Cultural Institute can be shared directly to your Google Classroom. This can be a good way to direct students to specific artifacts related to Inca culture. I would share artifacts and ask students to respond in Google Classroom to discussion questions related to the artifacts.

Much like the Street View imagery of other UNESCO world heritage sites, the new Street View imagery of Machu Picchu allows students to virtually explore a place that can’t be done by simply flipping through pictures in a book or on a website.

Source: The Official Google Maps Blog


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