Every month I hear nice compliments from readers of FreeTech4Teachers.com and the FreeTech4Teachers Facebook page followed by, “I don’t always keep up with it.” To solve that problem, last year I started the PracticalEdTech.com newsletter. More than 8,000 people are now receiving that newsletter in their inboxes on Sunday evening or Monday morning (depending on where they live).
The PracticalEdTech.com newsletter includes my tip of the week and the links to that week’s most popular posts on FreeTech4Teachers.com. The newsletter is sent out only once per week on Sunday evening (Eastern Standard Time). Click here to subscribe to the PracticalEdTech.com newsletter. And if you don’t need another email in your inbox, you can simply visit PracticalEdTech.com to see the same information.
As a bonus for subscribers to the PracticalEdTech.com newsletter I give a discount on the popular online courses that I teach through PracticalEdTech.com.