Review Halloween Safety With Kahoot

In this week’s Practical Ed Tech Newsletter I demonstrated how to search for, duplicate, and edit quizzes in Kahoot’s public gallery. If you take a look at that video, you’ll notice that I found lots of quizzes about Halloween and Halloween safety. Playing those quizzes could be a great way to review Halloween safety with kids before they head out to trick o’ trick this Saturday. If you missed it earlier, I have the video embedded below.

Applications for Education
Kahoot provides a fun way to gather feedback from a group through their phones, iPads, Chromebooks, or any other device that has a web browser and an Internet connection. You can include pictures and or videos as part of each question that you create and share in a Kahoot activity. Players are awarded points for answering correctly and quickly. Or you can turn off the points system to use Kahoot in a non-competitive environment.


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