ClassDojo’s New Class Story Feature Makes It Easy to Share Highlights With Parents

Last month ClassDojo opened a new feature in beta called Class Story. According to ClassDojo’s press release, more than 60,000 teachers registered to try it out. This week Class Story left beta and opened to all teachers.

Class Story is a feature within ClassDojo that allows you to post pictures, text, and links for parents and students to see within the ClassDojo apps and website. The feature is intended to help you keep parents informed about what’s happening in your classroom. Class Story provides a wall onto which you can post text and image updates for parents. Only parents whose students are in your classroom can see the updates and they cannot share them outside of the ClassDojo environment. Parents can “like” your posts on the Class Story wall. As a teacher you can see which parents have read the Class Story updates and which ones have not read the updates.

Applications for Education
Class Story provides a good middle ground between being a full-fledged blog and a simple SMS update delivery system. Posting to Class Story could be a good way to share highlights of classroom activities and or reminders about upcoming events.


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