15 Topics for Your School/ Classroom Blog

Whenever I talk to teachers about blogging I field questions about developing blog post topics and or maintaining a posting schedule. My suggestion is to come up with a list of topics that you can write about every week. I have fifteen suggestions below to help you get started with your blog this fall.

Student-written posts:

  • Three favorite moments from the last school year. 
  • Favorite part of summer vacation. 
  • All-time best moment in school. 
  • Three questions they want to find the answers to this year. 
  • Favorite book or movie and why. 

Teacher-written posts:
Think about what your students’ parents want to know about. What do they ask you about at open house night or parent-teacher conferences? Think about that for a few minutes and you’ll have a some good blog topics. I did that this spring as I prepared to teach a course on blogging. Here’s the list of blog post topics that I developed.

  • How to manage your child’s web use
  • How to talk to kids about web use
  • How to prevent the summer slide
  • 5 fun, free educational activities to do at home (think Maker activities)
  • 5 local field trips to do on rainy days
  • 5 local field trips to do on sunny days
  • A glossary of Tween vocabulary
  • 5 things parents should know about Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram/ Snapchat/ YikYak
  • 5 tasty and healthy snacks to send to school
  • How to talk to kids about bullying
Join Blogs & Social Media for Teachers & School Leaders to learn how to develop a great school or classroom blog. 

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!