The Week in Review – Thank You Guest Bloggers

Good evening from Maine where I am back home with dogs after a few days of traveling to speak in Sioux City, Iowa. Thank you to Kathy Bottaro and the staff of Sioux City Schools for the opportunity to work with 100 teachers this week. If you’re interested in having me speak at your school, please click here.

A big thank you to all of the guest bloggers that appeared on my blog this week. It was great to have fresh voice on the blog.

Here are this week’s most popular posts:
1. Six Styles of Classroom Video Projects – A Handout
2. Using Google Apps in a Math Classroom
3. Chromebook Rollout Through Teacher Leadership
4. Creating Narrated Slideshows with Google Tools
5. Learning to Program With MaKey MaKey in Elementary School
6. Champion Reader – A New Reading Game on Teach Your Monster to Read
7. Organizing Descriptive Feedback with Google Forms

Summer PD Opportunities With Me.

Teaching History With Technology begins in July.
Getting Going With GAFE is offered in June and July.
Blogs & Social Media for Teachers and School Leaders is offered in July.

Brand new course! Blogger Jumpstart! – A two night event in which I’ll share everything I’ve learned about turning a blog into a small business.

Please visit the official advertisers that help keep this blog going.
Practical Ed Tech is the brand through which I offer PD webinars.
BoomWriter provides a fantastic tool for creating writing lessons. 
Storyboard That is my go-to tool for creating storyboards and cartoon stories.
MidWest Teachers Institute offers online graduate courses for teachers.
HelloTalk is a mobile community for learning a new language.
Discovery Education & Wilkes University offer online courses for earning Master’s degrees in Instructional Media.
PrepFactory offers a great place for students to prepare for SAT and ACT tests.
The University of Maryland Baltimore County offers graduate programs for teachers.
Boise State University offers a 100% online program in educational technology.
EdTechTeacher is hosting host workshops in six cities in the U.S. in the summer.
SeeSaw is a great iPad app for creating digital portfolios.

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!