Embed TodaysMeet Rooms Into Your Blog or Website

After my bad experience with TodaysMeet back in March I backed away from using for backchannel discussions. Today, I took another look TodaysMeet and noticed a new option that has considering using TodaysMeet again. You can now embed TodaysMeet rooms into a blog post or a web page.

To embed a TodaysMeet room into a blog post first create a room in TodaysMeet. After creating your room open the “room tools” menu that appears at the bottom of the page. After opening the menu choose “embed.” You can then choose to embed the live room or a transcript of the room. If you choose the live room option, people who visit the blog post into which you’ve embedded your room will be able to enter messages.

Applications for Education
Embedding a TodaysMeet room into a blog post might be a way to avoid having to post the link to your TodaysMeet room in a public forum. Rather than giving out a TodaysMeet link you could simply direct students to the classroom blog that they are already familiar with visiting.


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