More eEtiquette – 101 Guidelines for the Digital World

Yesterday, I shared a video featuring five email etiquette tips for students. A good follow-up to that video can be found on the website eEtiquette. eEtiquette is a simple site that features digital etiquette tips for all of us. The tips cover everything from email etiquette to social network etiquette to cell phone etiquette. Although the subtitle of the site says there are 101 guidelines there are actually more than 101 guidelines on the site. Some of the best etiquette guidelines are available on a free poster that you can download from eEtiquette

Applications for Education
After reviewing the digital etiquette tips on the site, students can test their knowledge in the free eEtiquette iOS game
One word of caution about eEtiquette. The comments section of the site doesn’t appear to be closely moderated so you may run into some spam comments in it. 

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