How to Add Page Tabs to Blogger Blogs

This afternoon I received the following email from a reader who needed help with his Blogger blog.

I am using I created 7 different pages and published them, however, they are not showing up on my home page. They only way to see them is if I click on the preview option. Any suggestions?

The short answer to this reader’s question is to make the pages show up you need to go into the layout menu. Then select “add a gadget.” The gadget you want to add is called “pages.” The pages gadget will let you select the pages that will appear on your blog. I demonstrate this process in the following video.

You can find screenshots of this process and many more Blogger functions in my 90 page guide to using Blogger in school.

Applications for Education
The page tabs that I usually add to a classroom blog are a page for a full size calendar, a page for classroom expectations, and a page of resources for parents. I also include a tab that links to the school and or district website.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!