Google Classroom Now Supports Teacher Collaboration and Announcement Drafts

Today, a couple of frequently requested features were added to Google Classroom. Those features are teacher collaboration in a Google Classroom course and saving announcement drafts.

To add a teacher to one of your courses you simply have to go to your course’s “About” page and select “invite teacher.” The teacher(s) that you invite can do almost everything that you can do. Invited teachers can post comments, post announcements, post assignments, and even grade assignments.

Image courtesy of Google Apps for Edu marketing team.

If you work like I do, you probably try to knock out a bunch of similar tasks in one block of time. If those tasks include creating announcements and assignments for the week, Google Classroom now makes that a little easier. You can now save announcements and assignments as drafts then publish them at a later time.

Image courtesy of Google Apps for Edu marketing team.

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