10 Topics for School Blog Posts

I frequently hear people say, “I don’t know what to write about,” when I talk to them about maintaining a school or classroom blog. One of my suggestions is to think about what your students’ parents want to know about. What do they ask you about at open house night or parent-teacher conferences? Think about that for a few minutes and you’ll have a some good blog topics. I did that yesterday as I was preparing for my webinar Blogs and Social Media for Teachers & School Leaders. Here’s the list of blog post topics that I developed.

  • How to manage your child’s web use
  • How to talk to kids about web use
  • How to prevent the summer slide
  • 5 fun, free educational activities to do at home (think Maker activities)
  • 5 local field trips to do on rainy days
  • 5 local field trips to do on sunny days
  • A glossary of Tween vocabulary
  • 5 things parents should know about Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram/ Snapchat/ YikYak
  • 5 tasty and healthy snacks to send to school
  • How to talk to kids about bullying

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Tweet: Have nothing to blog about? Try these 10 topics for school blog posts. http://ctt.ec/sYiAl+


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