The 2015 Google Science Fair Is Open

The 2015 Google Science Fair is now open. This annual event asks thirteen to eighteen year old students to carry out a test or experiment on a subject they’re passionate about, and submit their projects online. This year submissions will be accepted in fourteen languages from students all over the world.

To help students develop project ideas the Google Science Fair website offers an idea springboard. The idea springboard asks students to complete the phrases “I love,” “I’m good at,” and “I want to explore.” From the students’ responses to these questions the idea springboard generates a collection of videos and websites that could spark project ideas in their minds.

Applications for Education
The Google Science Fair website includes a section for teachers in which you will find lesson plans addressing the topics of how science changes the world and what good science looks like. These lesson plans are designed to guide students in the processes of inquiry and experiment design.

Click here to find complete details about entering the Google Science Fair.


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