Insert Graphs and Equations Into Google Docs and Forms

One of the most frequently asked questions in my webinars and workshops about Google Drive is, “how can I add math problems to my Form?” Thanks to Google Forms Add-ons there is a rather simple answer to this question now. g(Math) is a Google Forms Add-on that allows you to insert graphs and mathematical expressions into your Google Forms.

To get the Add-on select “get Add-ons” from the Add-ons menu in Google Forms. Then search for g(Math). Click the install button, give the Add-on permission to access your account, and then you’re ready to go. To insert graphs and equations into your Form select g(Math) from your Add-ons menu and follow the directions that pop-up on the right side of the screen.

g(Math) is also available as an Add-on for Google Docs. The process of installing it and using it is the same as it is for the Google Forms versions of g(Math).


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