If you have followed this blog in an RSS reader (Feedly is my favorite) and you have not been receiving updates consistently over the last month, I need to ask you to please subscribe again by using this link (http://feeds.feedblitz.com/freetech4teachers).
Here’s what happened to necessitate this action:
Last fall I moved the RSS feed for this blog from FeedBurner to FeedBlitz. At the time nothing changed for people who subscribed to the blog through RSS as I simply redirected old subscribers from one platform to another. I thought that would work just fine, I was wrong. Last month Google finally shut-down the architecture behind Google Reader and in so doing anyone, like me, that had imported readers from Google Reader to FeedBlitz lost all of those old readers.
How to subscribe to this blog:
Through RSS at this address http://feeds.feedblitz.com/freetech4teachers
Through email by completing the form here.
For a once per week summary of the best posts, you can subscribe to the PracticalEdTech Newsletter.
To be clear, this change only affected people who subscribed to the blog through an RSS reader and have recently stopped seeing updates. If you have been seeing the updates regularly in your RSS reader and or you subscribe through email, you don’t need to subscribe again.