A Good Interactive Infographic About Mount Everest

Are You Ready to Tackle Everest? is a nice infographic produced by Winfields Outdoors, an outfitter in the UK. The infographic is arranged as a flowchart of the process one goes through in order to climb Mount Everest. The chart starts with the basics of getting outdoors and progresses through training, buying equipment, and returning from the summit. At each stop in the flowchart you will find links to articles about each topic. The infographic includes links to articles from National Geographic about equipment changes, links to fitness training plans, and links to articles about fundraising for a climb.

Applications for Education
Every spring I publish a list of resources for teaching about Mount Everest. Concepts in math, science, geography, and geology can be covered while teaching about Mount Everest. You can find last year’s list here. Are Your Ready to Tackle Mount Everest? provides a bunch of good resources that will be helpful in teaching future lessons about Mount Everest.

H/T to The Adventure Blog


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