Use GoSoapBox to Survey Your Students In a Variety of Ways

Yesterday, I attended Jeff Bailey’s excellent presentation on teaching in a flipped classroom environment. One of the tools that Jeff used during his presentation was GoSoapBox. GoSoapBox allows you to have your audience respond to questions through their laptops, tablets, and phones.

Polls and Discussion in GoSoapBox are the meat and potatoes of the service. The Polls tool allows you to survey your audience by having them select an answer choice in response to a question. The Discussions tool allows you to have audience members reply to open-ended questions.

One of the simplest yet effective survey options in GoSoapBox is a tools called a Confusion Meter. The Confusion Meter allows members of your audience to simply say, “yes, I get it” or “no, I don’t get it.” The Confusion Meter, like all of the GoSoapBox survey tools, can accept anonymous feedback.

Want to gather questions from your students to use to inform your instruction? GoSoapBox has you covered. You can use the Social Q&A tool to have students submit their questions to you. Students can see each other’s question submissions and vote them up if they want to.

Scroll through the SlideShare below to see visuals of all of the features of GoSoapBox.

Applications for Education
GoSoapBox allows you to create an event prior to your presentation or lesson. You can select all of the questions and question formats ahead of time. When your presentation or lesson starts, give your students the link to the event and they can access respond to the questions when you prompt them to respond. The Confusion Meter is the simplest tool in the GoSoapBox collection, but might be the most useful for some teachers.


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