Reminder – You Can Use Remind Worldwide

This week’s tip of the week featured Remind (formerly Remind 101) tutorials. After I posted those tutorials I had a few people reply that they wish Remind was available outside of the United States. One of the many updates that Remind made this summer included expanding the service to users outside of North America. You can now use Remind worldwide through the free Remind Android, iOS, and Chrome apps.

One of the other updates that Remind made this summer was the addition of voice greetings and feedback stamps. You can use the mobile apps or Remind website to create short audio messages to send to students and their parents. Messages can be up to fifteen seconds long. Voice messages can be sent to individuals or to groups.

Stamps is the new feedback mechanism available through Remind. Students and their parents can now reply to your Remind messages by selecting one of four stamps to indicate that they have received your message and their thoughts about your message. For example, a student can use a question mark stamp to indicate that they don’t feel prepared for an upcoming quiz.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!