Disclosure: I have an in-kind business relationship with Common Craft.
Common Craft‘s latest production explains blended learning in under three minutes. In the video, embedded below, teachers who are unfamiliar with the term blended learning can learn a basic definition of blended learning, the role of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in blended learning, and the potential benefits of blended learning.
While Edmodo and Google Classroom get most of the attention these days a new LMS that is worth checking out is Otus. The possibilities for teachers using Otus seem limitless. A few of the key features that grabbed my attention are the polling tools, the resource libraries, and the assessment tools. The polling function in your Otus classroom allows you to quickly create and deliver one question polls to your students. You can create your poll as a multiple choice, true/false, or open response poll. You can choose to display names next to poll responses or hide names. Read my full review of Otus here.