4 Ways to Transform Student Projects with ThingLink for Video

This is a guest post from Lisa Johnson of EdTechTeacher.org, an advertiser on this blog.

Clearly, ThingLink is becoming a popular interactive visual image editor for educators across the world. So it is truly no surprise that ThingLink for Video can be just as powerful for transforming classroom instruction and augmenting videos.

Getting to Know ThingLink for Video

Essentially, ThingLink for Video allows users to tag a YouTube video with text, links, or text and links. The following video tutorial will give you insight to what the tool can truly do:

Transforming Student Work with ThingLink for Video

While there is a fair amount of instructional content on YouTube, I set out to transform a student created video. The video below is a book that was created in Book Creator, exported as a video, and uploaded to YouTube. The final thinglinked video is available here and embedded below.

Here are four ways ThingLink for Video could be used to augment and redefine feedback and reflection in the context of student creations.

  • Deconstructed Info (green ‘i’ tags*): How a final video product was created is not often always apparent to the end user. In an era of sharing, there is power in providing notes on how the final product evolved (e.g. apps, process, etc…) so others can emulate and remix within the realm of their own classroom. 
  • Feedback and Peer Assessment (blue arrow tags*): It is possible to add links to static support resources for a project within Video for ThingLink, but… imagine providing links to formative assessment tools like Padlet and Google Forms so that the publishing of content to the web can become a two-way street. Students can now customize surveys and assessment tools to gather tailored feedback from their peers and across the globe to inform their process and improve their creations. 
  • Author’s Notes (black user tags*): Sometimes the author of the content has made very specific design choices that are not always obvious to the audience. Adding notes about these choices is a way for students to communicate the intent of their stylistic choices – much like a director’s cut in a movie. 
  • Lessons Learned and Reflections (yellow paper tag*): Many times our final product is a result of a few failures and forks in the road. Offering a place within the final product to honor some of these lessons learned is a great way to reflect on the process.

    How will you inspire your students to transform their creations with ThingLink for Video? 

* Note the tag colors can be customized using HTML color codes.

Lisa Johnson is the author of the TechChef4u blog. To learn more from Lisa, join her on Tuesday, September 9th at 8:00pm EST for a FREE Back to School with iPads in the Classroom” webinar.


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