Kaizena Adds Built-in Notifications for Voice Comments on Google Docs and Presentations

Kaizena is a fantastic tool for adding voice comments to Google Documents and Google Presentations. The latest update to Kaizena streamlines feedback notifications.

Beginning today whenever a student responds to or acts upon your feedback, you will receive a notification in your Kaizena dashboard. You will also receive an email (you can turn off the email option). Along with new notifications for you, students now receive notifications when you post new feedback for them.

Kaizena notifications are now integrated into the comments section of Google Documents and Google Presentations. When you leave feedback for students through Kaizena a link to that voice comment is added to the comments section of the document or presentation.

Applications for Education
To learn more about how you can use Kaizena in your classroom, check out this great post from Greg Kulowiec.


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