Global Schoolyard Bioblitz – A Global Nature Lesson from Project Noah

Project Noah is a global project to which anyone can contribute. On Project Noah you can share pictures and stories of the plants and the animals that you observe in your neighborhood. Project Noah has a section titled Missions in which you can find projects that you can contribute to. The Missions ask people to make contributions of images and observations about a specific animal, plant, or region.

Project Noah for Teachers allows you to create and manage Project Noah accounts for your students. You can also use Project Noah for Teachers to enroll your students in “missions” or projects on Project Noah. A great Project Noah mission for students that is currently running is the Global Schoolyard Bioblitz. The Global Schoolyard Bioblitz was created by the National Environmental Education Foundation and National Geographic Education. The mission is to have students collect and share wildlife observations from their schoolyards around the world. Contributions to the mission don’t have to be exotic because what is normal to you is exotic to someone else.

Project Noah offers iOS and Android apps that you can use to record and share your observations on the go.


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