FlowingData Presents an Interactive Chart of Wages in the United States

Jobs Charted by State and Salary is an interactive chart of wages by industry and state in the United States. You can view salaries on a state-by-state basis or see the averages for the entire country. Place your cursor over any of the boxes on the chart to see the average salary and number of people performing a particular job. If you can refine the chart to show jobs that have a minimum average salary of your choosing. For example, you can choose to only display jobs that have an average salary of $60,000 or more.

Applications for Education
One of the things that I might do with this chart in a social studies class is have students investigate why average salaries for the same job vary from state to state. I also might have them investigate why a particular industry has higher wages than another and what it takes to get a job in the higher paying industry.

H/T to io9


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