Socrative Was Acquired by MasteryConnect – Here’s What You Need to Know

Disclosure: MasteryConnect has been an advertiser on this blog for three years. 

Last week the popular student response service, Socrative, was acquired by MasteryConnect. This afternoon MasteryConnect sent out a message about the acquisition.

Prior to the announcement I asked MasteryConnect’s CEO, Cory Reid, if the they planned to keep Socrative running. His answer was an unequivocal “yes.” I also asked Cory if they planned to keep Socrative as a stand-alone service or roll it into the MasteryConnect platform. This was his response,

It will stand alone, for the foreseeable future with easy click access to MasteryConnect, and vice-versa. Eventually, it will merge into MasteryConnect as a product available on the platform.

The biggest question whenever a beloved web tool like Socrative is acquired by another company is “will it keep running?” The answer here is yes. The second biggest question is, “will it stay free?” The answer here is yes.

If you haven’t tried Socrative in the past or you haven’t tried the latest version, take a look at the video below to learn all about it.


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