Some of our most memorable learning experiences happen during hands-on lessons. The biology and chemistry lessons that I remember best involved doing something, not just observing something. Here are three good places to find hands-on science and technology lessons to try with your students.
For fun and educational hands-on science and technology projects I also recommend checking out the dozens of pages of projects listed on the projects section of Whether you’re looking for a fun learning activity to do at home with your kids or you’re looking for a classroom project that will spark your students’ creativity and imagination, Make Projects has something for you., written by a University of Wisconsin chemistry professor, features twenty-five fun and safe science experiments that can be performed with household items. The experiments introduce students to basic chemistry concepts through fun, hands-on activity. The experiments on Science is Fun are probably most appropriate for use with students in the fourth through ninth grade. In addition to providing detailed directions for conducting each experiment, Science is Fun provides an explanation of the chemistry at work in each experiment. Complementing the experiments are easy-to-understand explanations of many chemicals and elements on the periodic table.