Dozens of Virtual Tours and Webcams On One Google Map

Angela Hamblen is a high school school Social Studies teacher in Kentucky that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at ISTE conferences and presenting with at events. Through her blog Angela has shared some great ideas and resources for teaching history, civics, and geography. One of the neat resources that Angela shared a few years ago that I still revisit from time to time is a Google Map containing placemarks for dozens of webcams and virtual tours. Click any placemark on the map to find a link to a virtual tour or webcam for that location. The map is embedded below.

View Virtual Tours & Webcams in a larger map

Applications for Education

When I saw this map I immediately thought that it would be a great resource for teachers of geography, history, and world studies. The map of virtual tours and webcams could also be useful for literature teachers to give their students a real-life look at places mentioned in the books they read.


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