Gen i Revolution – A Personal Finance Game for Middle School and High School Students

Gen i Revolution is an online game designed to help middle school and high school students develop and test their knowledge of concepts in personal finance. Gen i Revolution contains fifteen “missions” in which students have to select “operatives” to assist them. Each mission is designed to help someone make better personal financial decisions. Some of the mission topics include credit, budgeting, and investing for the future.

Students earn points for successfully completing each mission in Gen i Revolution. The points can be used to gain the assistance of additional operatives on the missions in the game. Each operative has a different skill set that can be of assistance in the missions.

Applications for Education
Gen i Revolution provides a teacher log-in that you can use to register your students to play the game, reset their passwords, and monitor their progress in the game. You can have students play the game as individuals or in teams. The teacher’s section also includes a PDF with suggestions for continuing the lessons of Gen i Revolution offline.


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