Hemingway Helps You Analyze Your Writing

In my previous post about curating the web I mentioned that I rarely Google to find new-to-me sites and apps. One of the places that I do search is the Diigo community for “hot bookmarks.” Hemingway was one of the hot bookmarks that I found yesterday.

Hemingway is a free tool designed to help you analyze your writing. Hemingway offers a bunch of information about the passage you’ve written or copied and pasted into the site. Hemingway highlights the parts of your writing that use passive voice, adverbs, and overly complex sentences. All of those factors are accounted for in generating a general readability score for your passage.

Applications for Education
Hemingway is the kind of tool that I like to have students use before exchanging papers with classmates for peer editing. Hemingway acts as a kind of “virtual peer” before the peer editing process. I would also have students use Hemingway before turning in their final drafts for a grade.

StoryToolz offers a tool similar to Hemingway that you may also want to check out.


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