Behind the Published Posts and eBooks

Image credit: Jen Deyenberg

As some of you know because you’ve already subscribed to it (thank you) on the first of the year I started a new blog on which I’m sharing the lessons I’ve learned through seven years of blogging. Worms In the Fridge is the name of the blog. Yes, it’s an odd name but I think you’ll like the story behind the name. I’m using that blog not only to share ideas with you but to also try out some new things.

The latest thing that I’m trying is a weekly-ish podcast. My first guest was Gillian Duffy who is a full-time blogger and author who recently self-published a travel guide on Amazon. In the podcast she shares the nuts and bolts of self-publishing as well as the attitude it takes to self-publish. If you have ever considered self-publishing, give it a listen. If you’re just curious what happens when two full-time bloggers talk in the middle of the day, you might like it too. Have a listen while you’re writing your next blog post.

My next guest is going to be Lee LeFever from Common Craft. Subscribe to Worms In the Fridge to make sure that podcast gets delivered to your inbox.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!