QuizBean – Quickly Create and Distribute Quizzes to Students Even If They Don’t Have Email Addresses

QuizBean is a nice platform for creating simple image-based quizzes that your students can complete online. The service recently received some updates that teachers will appreciate. The most significant update to QuizBean is the removal of the email requirement. You can now create QuizBean accounts for students that do not have email addresses. You can assign quizzes to students on a class-by-class or individual basis. Quiz results are automatically sent to your teacher dashboard when students have completed a quiz.

Another update to QuizBean to note is support for special characters and accents. QuizBean now allows you to quickly duplicate quizzes in your account so that you don’t have to re-create a quiz in order to assign it to multiple classes.

Applications for Education

One of the things that I like about QuizBean is that students get immediate feedback on each question that they answer. Before moving to the next question students are told if they answered the previous question correctly or incorrectly. The option of having your students’ results sent directly to your dashboard will save you a lot of time grading quizzes. Being able to include pictures in quizzes makes QuizBean a good platform for asking questions that include diagrams and equations.


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