Is Street View Not In Your Area? Create Your Own Street View Spheres

Google’s Street View imagery is capturing more of the world all the time. Through Street View we can virtually visit national parks, world heritage sites, and all kinds of interesting tourist destinations like the Eiffel Tower. But Street View hasn’t captured everything that’s interesting, yet. But now you can help to remedy that problem by creating and sharing your own Street View imagery.

Yesterday, the Google Maps team announced a new program called Photo Sphere that allows anyone with an Android phone or a DSLR camera to create and share Street View imagery. Detailed directions for creating and sharing through Photo Sphere are available here. Using an Android phone seems to make the process easier than using a DSLR camera.

Applications for Education
Creating new Street View imagery could be a great project for a geography or local history course. I can think of many interesting places in my area that should be on Street View, but aren’t.


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