Educators App Turns Your Blog Into an iOS and Android App for Free

Educators App is a new service that will turn your classroom blog or website into an Android and iOS app. The service is available to anyone who has a blog or website that he or she maintains to distribute information to students and parents. To have your blog turned into an app you simply have to email the URL of your blog to Educators App and they’ll handle the rest. When your app is ready they’ll send you a link to distribute to your students and their parents.

The free version of Educators App will place advertisements in the app and has limitations on customizations. The paid version removes advertisements and offers customizations for your app.

Applications for Education
Depending upon the platform that you use for your blog or website, the Educators App version of your blog may not be different from using the “mobile view” of your blog. For example, if you’re using WordPress with a mobile theme or have a mobile version plug-in installed then you probably won’t see a difference. Likewise, the mobile version of Blogger may appear very similar to what Educators App creates. All that said, for some teachers Educators App could be a good service to use to make sites and blogs available on students’ mobile devices.


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