Amazon Storybuilder – Plan Your Stories With Organized Sticky Notes

Amazon Storybuilder is a new tool designed to help aspiring screenplay writers organize their stories. Storybuilder uses a virtual corkboard interface that will feel familiar to anyone that has ever used Padlet or Lino. On Storybuilder you can write your stories in a series of virtual sticky notes. Your corkboard can be arranged in columns for each act and scene in your story. Of course, if you’re writing a book you could arrange your columns as chapters. Each sticky note can have a tag assigned to it to make it easier to locate when you have more notes than can appear on one page at time. You can arrange notes by dragging and dropping them on your Storybuilder board.

Applications for Education
You do have to have an Amazon account to use Storybuilder which limits it to use by high school and college students. Younger students could accomplish similar things by using a service like Padlet or Lino to organize their notes while planning a story.


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