QuickCast – Quickly Create Screencasts

QuickCast is a free screencasting app available to Mac users. QuickCast allows you to capture all or part of your screen while you talk. The app allows you to record for up to three minutes. Your recordings can be saved directly to your computer and or shared online through the QuickCast website. Each of the recordings that you publish is assigned its own URL that you can share with anyone. Recordings can also be embedded into blog posts and webpages.

QuickCast provides tools for adding short intro and outro text. If you want to include your face in your screencast, you can do that with QuickCast by just turning on your webcam before you start your recording. QuickCast can also be used to create animated GIFs.

Applications for Education
There is no shortage of screencasting apps available on the web. QuickCast is another option to add to your toolbox to access when you need to create a short instructional video for your students or colleagues. Creating screencasts can be a good way for students to practice giving clear and direct presentations of information.

The QuickCast code is open source so there is a chance that it will be available for Windows at some point. 


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