New RSS Feed and Subscription Methods

One of the drawbacks of putting your faith in Google is that occasionally they cease support for the products that you love. See iGoogle and Google Reader for the most recent examples. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that FeedBurner is going to be the next to go from Google’s stable of products. Rather than wait for that to happen, I’ve decided to move the RSS feed of Free Technology for Teachers from FeedBurner to FeedBlitz (a service that I pay for and in return get real human customer support). I moved the RSS feed tonight. You should not notice any changes other than some possible minor formatting (text, link structure) differences. If you do notice a major change, please let me know via email at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers (dot) com.

Do I need to do anything?
Over the next month or so I will be attempting to migrate all subscribers to the new RSS feed. If you don’t want to wait for me and or you’re syndicating the truncated feed somewhere (school blog via a feed widget, for example) you can manually re-subscribe here (

Email subscribers:
Nothing is changing for you. I moved the email list to FeedBlitz two+ years ago. If you are interested in subscribing via email, you can do so here (

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Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!