Azendoo – Organize Group Projects Through Documents and Skype Chats

Azendoo is a nice service designed to help teams divide and track project responsibilities. When I tried the service a few months ago the only options for organizing group projects were to invite people to join a workspace in which all of you can create tasks, assign task due dates, and send written messages to each other. This week Azendoo added the option to incorporate Skype calling and chatting.

Using Skype in Azendoo – Tutorial from Azendoo on Vimeo.

Azendoo allows teachers and students to have as many workspaces as they need. Each workspace provides 10GB of storage. Azendoo works with Evernote, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box so that your team can share materials from those accounts.

Applications for Education

Azendoo could be a good tool for high school and college students to use to organize long-term group projects. After they plan and assign tasks students can use Azendoo to send reminder messages to each other.


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