Lets You Tweet and Bookmark Simultaneously

One of the great things about Twitter is the wealth of links that teachers share with each other. is a service that makes it easy for you to bookmark your favorite links that you share and that others share with you on Twitter. will bookmark any link that you share, any link in a Tweet that you favorite, or any link that is shared with you in an “@” reply. works with Delicious, Diigo, Instapaper, Pocket, Historius, and Pinboard (not to be confused with Pinterest). Once you’ve authorized to work with one of your bookmarking services, you’re ready to start bookmarking while you Tweet. If you are a Four Square user, you can tell to ignore those links from your check-ins.

Applications for Education
If you have students using Twitter to share resources, could be a great tool to help you and them keep track of what everyone is sharing.


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