You Shouldn’t Be an Instructional Technology Coordinator If You Don’t Understand This…

I realize that this post comes from the pages of, I’m tired of writing about this and you are probably tired of it too, but I have to talk about copyright, creative commons, and plagiarism again. Today, I discovered yet another blog that is copying and pasting posts from my blogs and those of many other edubloggers without permission. Unfortunately, the person behind the blog that is carrying out the practice of copying and pasting the posts did not lift  the post I wrote last month about why you can’t just copy and paste posts from another person’s blog without their permission. Even worse, according to his Google Profile the person running the offending blog ( is a School Technology Integration Coordinator. So I have to ask, how can you be in a technology leadership position and think that it is okay to copy and paste the work of others without their permission?

After asking the person running the offending blog to take down all of the content that he has used without permission I sent him some links to some of my blog posts about plagiarism and copyright. These are the links that I included:
1. How to Share the Blog Posts You Like
2. Fair Use, Copyright, and Educational Blogging

And some more related resources:
What To Do When Your Work Is Plagiarized
5 Good Lesson Plans for Teaching Copyright
Copyright On Campus – A Six Minute Exploration of the Nuances of Copyright


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!