Best of 2013 So Far…Create Video Quizzes With Blubbr

We’re half-way through 2013. Like I’ve done in years past, this week I’ll be featuring some of the best new tech tools of 2013 as well as some of the most popular posts of the year. 

Blubbr is a neat quiz creation service that you can use to create video-based quizzes.
Using Blubbr you can create interactive quizzes that are based on
YouTube clips. Your quizzes can be about anything of your choosing. The
structure of the quizzes has a viewer watch a short clip then answer a
multiple choice question about the clip. Viewers know right away if they
chose the correct answer or not.

To create a quiz on Blubbr
start by entering a topic for your quiz. After entering your topic
enter a search for a video about that topic. Blubbr will generate a list
of videos that you can select from to use in your quiz. When you find a
video that works for you, trim the clip to a length that you like then
write out your question and answer choices. Repeat the process for as
many video clips as you like. Click here to try a short Blubbr quiz about the human heart. 

Applications for Education
I think of Blubbr as being like TEDEd but with shorter video clips. In
that regard, creating a quiz on Blubbr could be a good way to develop
review materials for your students. Students can take quizzes on Blubbr
without signing into the service. Unfortunately, to create a new quiz
you do have to use your Twitter or Facebook credentials. Hopefully, that
will change in the future.


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