Create Quizzes in Edcanvas

Edcanvas is a free service for creating and sharing with your students collections of educational materials. Edcanvas makes it easy for teachers to organize and share
educational materials in a visually pleasing format. The “canvas” part
of Edcanvas is where you arrange videos, links, images, and files around
any topic of your choosing. Edcanvas has built-in search tools so that
you do not have to leave your Edcanvas account in order to locate
resources. The service has impressed me since its launch earlier this year and throughout its continuous updates. The latest update to Edcanvas includes the option to create and share quizzes.

You can now create multiple choice quizzes for your students to take while viewing the materials you have shared with them. Watch the videos below to learn how to create quizzes in Edcanvas.

Applications for Education 
Edcanvas is an excellent tool for creating digital packets of information for your students to read, watch, and listen to. Now you can have students check their understanding of the materials in those digital packets by having them take a short quiz. 


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