Explain It Like I’m Five – Cute Explanatory Videos from Reddit and Donors Choose

Reddit has started to produce a new series of cute explanatory videos sponsored by Donors Choose. The videos feature two adults trying to explain complex topics to five year old children. So far three videos have been added to the series. Those videos cover the stock market, Syria, and Existentialism. I’ve embedded the stock market video below.

Applications for Education
While watching these videos I was reminded of a project that one of my colleagues used to do with his ninth grade social studies students. He had his students create simple picture books to explain things like supply and demand to fourth grade students. That same idea is used in the Reddit videos and you could have high school students create similar videos to explain topics to elementary school students.

If you need a video production tool, give WeVideo or Pixorial a try.

H/T to TechCrunch.


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