Teaching Objects – A Lesson Planner That Integrates Google Drive

Teaching Objects is an online lesson planner that I stumbled upon today and that I think has great potential. The first thing that you’ll notice when you try Teaching Objects is that you have to create your account using a Google account (either a personal account or a Google Apps for Edu account). Then you can optionally authorize Teaching Objects to access your Google Drive and YouTube accounts. Giving authorization will enable you to pull materials from your Google Drive and YouTube accounts into your Teaching Objects lesson plans.

Teaching Objects can be used without authorizing it to access your Google Drive and YouTube accounts. Even if you choose not to authorize it there is a nice feature of Teaching Objects that you might want to try. That feature is Common Core standards alignment. As you write your lesson plans and organize your materials in your Teaching Objects account you can search for an identify the Common Core standards that align to each of your lesson plans.


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