Chew or Die Encourages Kids to Try Healthy Foods

Chew or Die is a free iPad, iPhone, and Android app that encourages people to try new healthy foods. The free app contains a series of healthy food challenges. The challenges include things like removing bread and potato-based starches with rice, trying a new vegetable, removing meat from your diet for a week, and sneaking more fiber into your diet. When you try a challenge take a picture of the food that you try and upload it to Chew or Die to challenge your friends to match your healthy choice. Watch the video below to see the app in action. Click here for the iOS version. Click here for the Android version.

Applications for Education
You can register to use Chew or Die with your Facebook account or you can create an separate Chew or Die account. The app could provide a great way to motivate students to try a new healthy food and create a new healthy habit.


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